3. Security and Validation


Limits the maximum length of a HTTP message body.


Note that due to the streaming nature of Membrane, a request header may already have been passed on to the backend, when the condition "body.length > X" becomes true. In this case, further processing is aborted and the connection to the backend is simply closed.

To apply only to either requests or responses, wrap it in a corresponding tag: .

Can be used in:

serviceProxy, api, for, choose, stompProxy, if, registration, wsStompReassembler, internal, interceptor, bean, transport and soapProxy


<limit maxBodyLength="integer"/>


<serviceProxy port="8080">
  <limit maxBodyLength="52428800" />
  <target host="www.predic8.com" />

In this setup, all requests are forwarded to www.predic8.com. Requests larger than 50MB will be discarded.


maxBodyLength false - The maximal length of a message body. 10485760