2. Proxies


A SOAP proxy can be deployed on front of a SOAP Web Service. It conceals the server and offers the same interface as the target server to its clients.


If the WSDL referenced by the wsdl attribute is not available at startup, the will become inactive. Through the admin console, reinitialization attempts can be triggered and, by default, the {@link Router} also periodically triggers such attempts.

Can be used in:

router and bean


    <soapProxy name="string"
	<path />?
	<ssl />?
	<localhost />?


<soapProxy wsdl="http://www.thomas-bayer.com/axis2/services/BLZService?wsdl">
  <soapStackTraceFilter />
  <validator />

There is also a step-by-step introduction on how to use the <soapProxy> element.


blockRequest false false
legacy attribute for usage by Membrane Monitor -
wsdl true - The WSDL of the SOAP service. http://predic8.de/my.wsdl or file:my.wsdl
port false 80
The port Membrane listens on for incoming connections. 8080
ip false not set
If present, binds the port only on the specified IP. Useful for hosts with multiple IP addresses.
name false By default, a name will be automatically generated from the target host, port, etc.
The name as shown in the Admin Console. -
blockResponse false false
legacy attribute for usage by Membrane Monitor -
host false not set
A space separated list of hostnames. If set, Membrane will only consider this rule, if the "Host" header of incoming HTTP requests matches one of the hostnames. The asterisk '*' can be used for basic globbing (to match any number, including zero, characters). predic8.de *.predic8.de
wsdlHttpClientConfig false - - -
portName false - - -
serviceName false - - -

Child Elements

path If set, Membrane will only consider this rule, if the path of incoming HTTP requests matches. {@link Path} supports starts-with and regex matching. If used in a {@link SOAPProxy}, this causes path rewriting of SOAP requests and in the WSDL to automatically be configured. 0..1
ssl Configures the usage of inbound SSL (HTTPS). 0..1

Other optional Child Elements

wsdlRewriter, headerFilter, switch, accessControl, index, return, userFeature, http2xml, gatekeeper, oauth2PermissionChecker, regExReplacer, webServer, jsonPointerExtractor, json2Xml, adminConsole, xml2Json, apiKey, oauth2Resource, jwtAuth, cache, oauth2authserver, xenAuthentication, acmeHttpChallenge, analyser, reverseProxying, graphQLProtection, validator, clamav, wsdlPublisher, greaser, statisticsProvider, log, setProperty, APIsJSON, webSocket, soap2Rest, groovyTemplate, wadlRewriter, routerIpResolver, statisticsJDBC, prometheus, setHeader, swaggerRewriter, static, urlNormalizer, openTelemetry, interceptor, soapOperationExtractor, shadowing, basicAuthentication, authHead2Body, ruleMatching, rest2Soap, javascript, balancer, accessLog, apiDocs, if, kubernetesValidation, sampleSoapService, rewriter, clusterNotification, rateLimiter, login, swaggerApiKeyRequirer, requireAuth, spdy, statisticsCSV, accountRegistration, tcp, flowInitiator, counter, paddingHeader, transform, methodOverride, tokenValidator, soapStackTraceFilter, logContext, formValidation, apiKeyChecker, shutdown, xpathExtractor, limit, apiManagement, xmlContentFilter, beautifier, replace, template, xmlProtection, exchangeStore, throttle, testService, jsonProtection, stompClient, oauth2Resource2, ntlm, webServiceExplorer, httpClient, groovy, dispatching