
Can be used in:

serviceProxy, api, for, choose, stompProxy, if, registration, wsStompReassembler, internal, interceptor, bean, transport and soapProxy


in true - - -
language false groovy
the language of the 'test' condition SpEL, groovy, jsonpath, xpath

Child Elements

response 0..*
request 0..*
abort 0..*
echo 0..*

Other optional Child Elements

login, methodOverride, sampleSoapService, xmlContentFilter, if, adminApi, javascript, validator, formValidation, oauth2PermissionChecker, shadowing, openTelemetry, setProperty, counter, log, call, soapOperationExtractor, statisticsProvider, throttle, ruleMatching, jsonProtection, reverseProxying, rest2Soap, limit, testService, openapiValidator, xml2Json, setHeader, webSocket, acmeHttpChallenge, balancer, dispatching, oauth2authserver, wadlRewriter, jwtSign, tcp, json2Xml, regExReplacer, xmlProtection, statisticsJDBC, httpClient, basicAuthentication, wsdlPublisher, analyser, prometheus, groovy, static, requireAuth, greaser, tokenValidator, userFeature, return, adminConsole, replace, internalRouting, soapStackTraceFilter, destination, beautifier, clamav, apiDocs, accessControl, graphQLProtection, apiKey, interceptor, soap2Rest, flowInitiator, cache, exchangeStore, groovyTemplate, choose, kubernetesValidation, accountRegistration, paddingHeader, rewriter, webServiceExplorer, jwtAuth, ntlm, headerFilter, oauth2Resource2, authHead2Body, APIsJSON, rateLimiter, wsdlRewriter, http2xml, openapiPublisher, index, logContext, urlNormalizer, xenAuthentication, webServer, for, statisticsCSV, soapBody, shutdown, stompClient, accessLog, transform, template, clusterNotification