8. SOAP based Web Services


The wsdlPublisher can be used to serve WSDL files (and attached XML Schema Documents), if your backend service does not already do so.

Can be used in:

serviceProxy, api, stompProxy, swaggerProxy, if, registration, wsStompReassembler, interceptor, bean, internalProxy, transport and soapProxy


<wsdlPublisher wsdl="location"? />


The following example shows how to publish a WSDL for a SOAP service.

<serviceProxy port="8080">
  <path isRegExp="true">/material/.*</path>
  <wsdlPublisher wsdl="/WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl" />
  <validator wsdl="/WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl" />
  <target host="www.predic8.com" port="8080" />

In this setup, we expect the WSDL to be in /WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl and attached XML Schema documents to be referenced by relative file names from the WSDL. A query to /material/ArticleService?wsdl will be answered using the WSDL. References to XML Schema documents will be rewritten to /material/ArticleService?xsd=n, which will be answered using the corresponding documents.


wsdl false - The WSDL (URL or file). /WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl

As a child of soapProxy, if the wsdl attribute is not present, the soapProxy-parent's wsdl attribute is used.