3. Security and Validation


Prohibits XML documents to be passed through that look like XML attacks on older parsers. Too many attributes, too long element names are such indications. DTD definitions will simply be removed.

Can be used in:

serviceProxy, api, for, choose, stompProxy, if, registration, wsStompReassembler, internal, interceptor, bean, transport and soapProxy


<xmlProtection removeDTD="boolean" maxElementNameLength="integer" maxAttibuteCount="integer" />


  <transport coreThreadPoolSize="20">
	<ruleMatching />
	<dispatching />
	<userFeature />

	<xmlProtection />

	<httpClient />


maxAttributeCount false 1000
If an incoming request exceeds this limit, it will be discarded. -
maxElementNameLength false 1000
If an incoming request exceeds this limit, it will be discarded. -
removeDTD false true
Whether to remove the DTD from incoming requests. -